Clipper blades Vs attachment combs: which should you use?

When it comes to grooming your dog, having the right tools can make all the difference. Two essential tools to have are dog clipper blades and attachment combs. They each have pros and cons, and understanding when to use each can help you achieve the best result. Let's delve into the comparison.

Dog clipper blades


  • Precision cutting: Dog clipper blades offer precise cutting, making them ideal for creating clean lines and shaping specific areas such as the face, paws, and tail.

  • They’re speedy: With dog clipper blades, you can quickly tackle larger areas of fur and you don’t need to prep your dog’s coat like you need to do when using combs.


  • Limited length options: While clipper blades come in a range of sizes, if you want to keep your dog’s fur quite long, you’ll need to use an attachment comb.

  • Risk of skin irritation: Applying too much pressure or using blunt blades, can lead to skin irritation or cuts. Metal combs can heat up really quickly and cause clipper burn, which is an itchy rash. Once your blade heats up (keep checking it on the inside of your wrist), you’ll need to stop grooming and wait for it to cool down. You can buy ceramic blades to avoid this however they’re more expensive. Attachment combs won’t get hot because the plastic of the comb covers the metal blade.

  • Require maintenance: Clipper blades need to be oiled and sharpened frequently, which can be expensive.

  • Can be expensive: They start from around $60 each.

When to use clipper blades

  • Shorter coat length: Opt for clipper blades when you prefer a shorter coat length.

  • Hygiene trims: Use clipper blades when shaving your dog’s private and sensitive areas like their belly, bottom, armpits, paws, face and ears.

Hot tip
When buying clipper blades, look out for an ‘F’ next to the blade number. The ‘F’ stands for ‘Finish’ blade. It has closer teeth than a skip tooth blade. And it’s much safer than a skip tooth blade because you’re less likely to catch skin between the teeth, so I recommend using an ‘F’ blade for home groomers.

Attachment combs


  • Easy to use: I recommend attachment combs for beginner groomers. They’re easier to use than clipper blades, and they’re also safer, which brings me to point number two.

  • Safety: Attachment combs provide a layer of protection between the blade and the skin, reducing the risk of accidental cuts or irritation from hot clipper blades.

  • Longer length options: Attachment combs come in a number of different sizes, allowing you to groom your dog a number of different lengths, including lengths that are longer than clipper blades.

  • Cheaper than clipper blades: They start from around $33 each.


  • Less precision: While attachment combs are versatile, they may not provide the same level of precision as clipper blades, particularly for intricate grooming areas.

  • Lots of preparation is needed: Attachment combs can easily get caught in knots in your dog’s coat. Preparation is essential. You need to thoroughly brush your dog with a slicker brush, wash them and dry them with a pet dryer before clipping their fur.

  • You’ll still need to use a clipper blade for some areas: Attachment combs are great for clipping longer lengths. However, you’ll also need a clipper blade to shave your dog’s hygiene areas like their paw pads, bottom, belly and armpits. 

When to use attachment combs

  • Longer coat length: Opt for attachment combs when you prefer a longer coat length.

In the below video I’ll show you which clipper blades and combs I use in my dog grooming business. I’ll talk through the different lengths the blades and combs clip the fur and demonstrate the lengths on my dog Soda.

I’m a qualified dog groomer and fur-mum to two cavoodles; Soda and Poppy. I’m passionate about the health and wellbeing of dogs, as well as helping dog parents groom their dogs at home. I’ll teach you the basics, however if you don’t feel comfortable or confident at any time that’s completely fine, book your dog in for a regular groom and pamper session at the salon. Please never leave your dog unattended on a grooming table.

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Snap-on attachment comb lengths explained