Kmart pet socks review

Why do people put socks on dogs? Good question. Some might think pet socks are a bit over the top, and I can see that, they definitely make a fashion statement but do they serve a purpose?

Well after road testing Kmart’s $3 pet socks, I discovered not only do they look super cute, but they can also help protect your dog’s feet and also your floorboards!

Poppy road tested the Kmart pet socks. I did try putting them on Soda first, however being the scaredy-cat she is, she yelped before I could get the first sock on! Poppy had a completely different reaction. She let me put them on, and then pranced around proudly showing them off to Soda. 

The front of the socks have a sweet fox design complete with a pair of little ears, and the sole of the socks have a paw print design made of anti-slip material. 

Kmart fox pet socks $3

Benefits of pet socks

If you have floorboards at home you may have witnessed your dog scrambling or skating on the spot when they get so excited and try and run on the floorboards. I witness it most nights around 8pm when my two get the zoomies and chase each other around the house. Well I’ll tell you what, these anti-slip socks put a stop to that! Poppy wore her socks inside and was running laps around Soda with her new found traction. These pet socks will definitely keep your dog steady on slippery surfaces. My sister often brings over her German Pinschers for a play date and as soon as they walk on the floorboards they get scared and look like baby giraffes walking for the first time, haha! I can see these socks giving them back their confidence.

They’d also be useful for dogs that are in between grooms and the fur between their paws has grown so much it covers their paw pads preventing them from gripping slippery surfaces. And if you have a senior dog, I can see these socks boosting their confidence and increasing their mobility. And of course, if your dog wears socks inside this will prevent their nails from scratching your floorboards, love it!

Poppy was happy wearing her socks while playing outside on the grass, which got me thinking, if your dog is prone to getting burrs stuck on their paws these socks could prevent that, instead they’d just get stuck to the socks. The knitted sock isn’t thick enough to prevent grass seeds from penetrating their paws, however you could buy more robust waterproof dog socks or shoes made from rubber material to help prevent them getting stuck in their paws.

If your dog has a habit of licking their feet, popping on a pet sock might prevent them from doing this – like the mittens my Mum made my sister wear to bed when we were little so she wouldn’t suck her thumb. Out of sight, out of mind. 

I can also see these pet socks coming in handy if your dog has an injury on their paw. You could pop a sock over the bandage to help with traction on slippery surfaces and to add an extra layer of protection.   

Poppy gives the Kmart pet socks 3 paws!

Not only did she look super cute in them, they proved to be very effective in giving her traction on our floorboard and she wore them playing outside on the grass for a good 10 mins before she kicked them off. Now that I know she’s pretty happy to wear things on her feet I might have a look at getting her a pair of waterproof dog shoes to keep her feet clean and dry on our winter walks. 

Product details

Product: Pet socks
Brand: Kmart
Price: $3
Reviewer: Poppy

Other pet socks you might like to try

If you’re looking at paying a little bit more than $3 on quality pet socks, you might like to try these waterproof options.

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