Why do dogs eat grass?

Soda and Poppy love eating grass. During winter and spring, when the grass is long and lush, Soda frequently makes us stop during our walks so she can munch on it. And at the dog park, her favourite thing to do after greeting the other dogs, is to head to the back corner to eat the grass. People often say she must be unwell and needs to throw up, but she rarely does. Curious about this behaviour, I researched it and discovered there are many reasons why dogs eat grass.

Natural instincts

This behaviour might be inherited from their ancestors, wolves, who ate grass and vegetation to supplement their diet, especially when prey was scarce.

Dietary supplement

Grass provides fibre, which helps digestion. Some dogs may eat grass to help with gastrointestinal issues or to add bulk to their stool (poo). Making sure your dog has a well-balanced diet can reduce this behaviour if it’s due to nutritional deficiencies.

Inducing vomiting

Some dogs eat grass to make themselves vomit and relieve an upset tummy. While not all dogs vomit after eating grass, those who do might use it as a natural remedy. If your dog vomits frequently after eating grass, it’s a good idea to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

Boredom and anxiety

Dogs might munch on grass when they’re bored or anxious. Since dogs are intelligent and active creatures, they need plenty of mental and physical stimulation. When they’re not getting enough, they might resort to eating grass. Giving them plenty of exercise and interactive toys can help curb this behaviour.

Enjoyment and taste

Some dogs simply like the taste and texture of grass. This behaviour is usually harmless as long as the grass is free from pesticides.

Medical concerns

While occasional grass-eating is usually harmless, excessive consumption might indicate a medical issue, like gastrointestinal diseases or nutritional deficiencies. If your dog is also experiencing symptoms like weight loss or diarrhoea, it’s best to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Although Soda will occasionally eat grass to induce vomiting when she has an upset tummy, I think the majority of the time Soda just likes the taste and texture of grass, and Poppy has learnt this behaviour from her big sister.


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