How to make dog bows

Before I became a dog groomer, I loved picking up my dog Soda from the groomers and seeing a cute bow in her fur - it’s such a nice finishing touch to a beautiful groom. After a few grooms, I’d started collecting the different coloured bows and I’d pop them in her hair on special occasions.

During my dog grooming training I learnt how to make dog hair bows and they’re really easy to make. Follow my DIY tutorial below and you’ll be an expert in no time.  

What you’ll need:

  • Forceps

  • Fabric scissors

  • Small elastic bands: I use orthodontic elastic bands for braces

  • Ribbon: I use ribbon from my local $2 shop. I recommend using thin ribbon for small dogs so the bow isn’t overpowering and thicker ribbon for larger dogs.

DIY dog hair bows tutorial

Lets get started - either watch my video tutorial or follow my step-by-step instructions below.

Step-by-step instructions

[1] First, pick up your forceps, and place an elastic on them.

[2] Next, take a piece of ribbon, it doesn’t matter how long the ribbon it, because we’ll trim it later. Fold the two ends of the ribbon over the top of each other to form this shape.

[3] Flatten the ribbon so it looks like a bow, and place the forceps on top, ensuring the elastic is below the ribbon.

[4] Fold the ribbon from behind the forceps to the front, hold the ribbon in one hand, while you grab the elastic band with your other hand, and pull it over the top of the forceps. 

[5] Fold the ribbon again behind the forceps, and holding the ribbon in one hand, use your other hand to grab the bottom elastic and pull it over the top of the forceps.

[6] Turn the forceps over, you’ll see the elastic band has wrapped twice around the ribbon. You want the elastics to be together, so use your fingers nails to adjust them into the center of the bow.

[7] And there’s your bow. If the ends of the ribbon are too long you can trim them with your scissors. 

[8] Now the elastic bands I have are a little large so I’m going to wrap the elastic band around my forceps again. This is just so when I put the bow in my dog’s hair the elastic is tight and the bow doesn’t fall out.

Ok, the bow is all ready to put in your dog’s hair. 

To put the bow in your dog’s hair, just open the forceps and grab a section of fur above their ear, and slide the elastic band onto the hair. Remove the forceps, and adjust the bow until it sits right, there you go.

How pretty does Soda look?! I like putting bows in her hair after I’ve groomed her, and when she goes to dog parties to dress her up a bit.

Soda doesn’t usually like anything on her head, but I find with these bows she doesn’t realise they’re there so she doesn’t try to shake them off. 

If you’re looking to buy already made hair bows, you might like to try these:

I’m a qualified dog groomer and fur-mum to two cavoodles; Soda and Poppy. I’m passionate about the health and wellbeing of dogs, as well as helping dog parents groom their dogs at home. I’ll teach you the basics, however if you don’t feel comfortable or confident at any time that’s completely fine, book your dog in for a regular groom and pamper session at the salon. Please never leave your dog unattended on a grooming table.

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